Milivoj Uzelac Jr. presents the direction of the Altron Modular Division. It will target foreign markets

product-image-Milivoj Uzelac Jr. presents the direction of the Altron Modular Division. It will target foreign markets
  • Insider


Milivoj Uzelac Jr. has long experience in foreign markets, having managed Altron’s Dubai office for the last twelve years, with which he has managed to implement major data centre projects across the region. The idea of a standardized and quickly delivered solution has proven to be the right way to go for foreign markets. Building on this idea, the Altron Modular division was created to develop modular prefabricated data centres. 


Modular data centres represent a great potential for Altron. Is this one of the reasons why your division was created?

The AM division was created because of the growing global demand for fast turnkey modular prefabricated data center solutions.

Our company is addressing this demand for the 17th year and we have more than 20 reference projects in CEE and MEA regions worldwide. Until 2022, we did so on a project basis, but as of April 1, 2022, we have decided to start addressing on a product basis.

Altron has the know-how in the design, construction and operation of DCs. However, this product is complex to expand. Therefore, we have chosen to concentrate the know-how in manufacturing our own product in the AM division as the right product for foreign markets.


Altron Modular division will concentrate mainly on the foreign market. What made you decide to do this?

The data centre market in the Czech Republic is limited by size and legislative restrictions that discourage large global players in the DC field from entering. Coupled with an increasingly competitive integration environment, foreign markets have always presented a challenge to fulfilling growth ambitions. We now have a product with which we can have a significant say in the competition for DC supply in global markets.

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What products and technologies are key to your division?

Our product is integration capability. We choose technologies appropriately, we can integrate them into functional units in the form of modular data centres. An integral part of MDC is a comprehensive package of services with cost and operational optimization. Another important component is the monitoring software and remote supervision service, which is particularly important for foreign markets.

Our priority is EdgeDC, a sophisticated containerised data centre solution with excellent physical security, high performance and operational efficiency.

We are also preparing a larger CoreDC product, an innovative way of building data centers using prefabricated modules assembled into a reliable system.

The smallest brother in the product family is the StackDC as an alternative to the traditional single rack server room.

In addition to products, we offer services such as consulting, design capacity, project management, construction and implementation, commissioning, warranty and after-sales service.

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Modular data centers are characterized by high mobility and speed of delivery. In which segments do your products find the most application?

Our primary focus is on armed forces, where our solutions offer robustness, security by design, all in easily non-moveable modules.

Another interesting segment is cloud and colocation service providers, who can meet customer needs instantly with modular data centers, and who appeal to them for fast ROI and scalability.

Industry is choosing modular data centers to save space, which can then be used for the primary purpose of the facility’s use, due to the fact that IT is segregated.


You also have experience with government level organizations around the world. What are the keys to success in this market?

For the government segment, it is important that containerised data centres need simpler approval processes and less demanding legislative status (Modular data centres are often not considered as a building). Another big advantage is a simpler implementation process and less interaction with other departments.

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